Use Proper Format to Write a Psychology Term Paper

Psychology papers tend to use APA format- after all, APA stands for American Psychological Association. A psychological paper is no different than any other paper that uses APA format, so you should just use that for any phish paper, term or not. There are a few things you need to know, and we will go over them here. Note that for your bibliography or works cited page, you'll need to make sure you look up how to format each type of media, because it does change. All this assumes you are using the APA manual 6th edition, which is the most recent.

General APA guidelines hold that essays should be on standard paper, double places, in a readable font such a times new roman. 1-inch margins are useful, and on each page a page header, or running head, is required. Page numbers should be aligned to the right, and the title in the left using all capital letters, but not exceeding 50 characters.

APA formatted papers have a few general paper categories, and they are all required in the following order:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Main Body
  • References

References should list all your sources in alphabetical order, but specifics are beyond the scope of this article.

Title pages are very simple you need a couple things. First, you need the title, which should be obvious, the names of all authors. This is followed b the name of the institution, such as a school or think tank that the paper is affiliated with. A page header such as in every other page is still included here. Titles, by the way, should be no more than 12 words in length and have no words that are not needed or abbreviations.

The abstract is also very simple; it merely has the first line as “Abstract,” exactly like that, no additional formatting or emphasis. From here, you have only 150 to 250 words to summarize your research, so you need to make each of those words count. Here you should also include things like what are you doing research wise, who it is on, what your conclusions here, and what inferences can be drawn from your data. Also, talk about any implications that can be seen due to your research. Also, list keywords here, because it helps later students find your work in databases if it is published. For the paper itself, just keep with the double-spacing and standard margins.

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